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Article Structure and Restrictions

Thank you for considering writing an article for The Walk Family Ministries! We take this process with utmost care. Each article is designed to honor God by helping, nurturing, guiding and encouraging young parents in their journey of raising kids!


Before you start writing, please take some time to pray, asking the Lord to lead in you in this process, with wisdom, being consumed by His Holy Spirit. 


We also ask the Lord to guide us in the selection process. As a heads-up, we do not accept every article written, but will respond within 6-8 weeks from the date of your submission. It may take up to 3-4 months with acceptance or rejection of your article. 


Thanks again for your willingness to consider and submit an article!

Step 1:


  • Article must be between 1,000-1,500 words.

    • Topic must revolve around parenting (List of topics below)--> Link to anchor at the bottom​

    • Font must be Palantino Linotype or Times New Roman

    • Please write in font size 11

    • Biblical References must be in ESV or NIV

    • Direct quotes from the Bible or other texts must have in-text parenthetical citations.

      • Ex: Paul writes, "But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God’s holy people"(Ephesians 5:3 NIV).​

    • Capitalize names that refer to God (King, Lord Wonderful Counselor, etc).

    • Capitalize Word, Bible and Scripture.

    • Article must have zero spelling or grammatical errors.

    • Creative pieces such as poems are acceptable.

Step 2:


Each article is designed to encourage readers that they are not alone in their parenting journey. Regardless of the topic you choose to write about, you are sharing your own unique experience, which is different from anybody else's. 


You do not need to write your entire article in one sitting, but I do encourage you to pause and pray before each time you begin writing. No matter how articulate you may be in your writing, it is worth nothing if you do not rely upon the Lord for your craft.


Write from your heart with the goal of encouragement from the Word of God. There are so many parents out there in the middle of the grind of raising kids. Many experience victory and many experience defeat, just like the ebb and flows of our personal walk with Jesus. Be creative in illustrating your guidance and encouragement to others through your writing.

Step 3:

Gospel Centered

Though the purpose of your article is to uplift parents using God's Word, your piece should most importantly reflect the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The most basic understanding of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is found in the Four Spiritual Laws by Bill Bright. They look like this:


    1. God loves you and wants you to know Him personally.


     2. Man is sinful and separated from God, so we cannot know Him personally or experience His love


     3. Jesus Christ is God's only provision for man's sin. Through Him alone we can know God personally and experience God's love.


     4. We must individually receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord; then we can know God personally and experience His love.


You do not need to directly illustrate the Gospel, however, through your craft, you should portray the Gospel of Jesus Christ as clearly as possible. 




Step 4:

Editing and Publication

We understand it takes a lot of effort and time to write an article, especially on the topic that is so personal.


There are several reasons why we may not accept your article:

  • Article may not meet all of the above guidelines and restrictions in Step 1.

  • There may already be articles published on that particular topic.

  • Grammatical, Spelling Errors.

  • Lack of Gospel Centeredness

  • Does not align with Step 2


After communication has been made about the acceptance of an article, please allow 4-6 weeks before the article will be posted on our site.

Topic Ideas:

  • Family Worship

  • Family Missions

  • Discipline

  • Dating

  • Devotions

  • Work/Family Life Balance

  • Relationships (Father-to-Child/Mother-to-Child)

  • Relationships (Grandparent-to-Child)

  • Technology

  • Adoption/Foster Care

  • Prayer

  • Pregnancy

  • Traditions

  • Divorce/Bended Families

  • Fatherhood

  • Motherhood

Image by Adam Kool


Please send your complete article that follows the above guidelines as a Word Document to with the subject line "Article Submission: Your Topic". 


Please include a four-five sentence summary of your  submitted article. Your article should also include a title, subtitle and a small bio about you!


Thanks again for your article submission and joining us on our journey to help young parents align God's Word to their parenting journey!



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